There is something that connects people to each other from all cultures and all walks of life no matter how rich or poor. I have met a lot of people in my life and there are always those who stand out in the crowd.

One such a person is Faigie who I met at Maimonides and from the first moment, we clicked.  Another is Wanda and and another Rosa. All these ladies are in their 90s and they all survived the Holocaust. Each has their story about survival at the greatest of odds and they all believe in miracles.

They have a depth to their being and although they can cry at the drop of a hat, they can also rejoice and see the good and positive in humanity. It is not an easy thing to do after experiencing the horrors of the Nazi regime yet somehow they can still rise above it.

How can you and I rise above the struggles of our daily lives? I didn’t have to deal with Hitler yet I had my own tragedies which at times have left me emotionally devastated even to the point of wanting out of this life. I am so happy that at the moment of my deepest desperation, a miracle happened, a light shone in the darkness and I was brought back to the land of the living. As long as there is life, there is hope as long and each day is a new one. We have a God who is a God of new beginnings and presents us with an open door if only we will lift our eyes, turn back to Him, and be available to His Will and His gentle lead.

Perhaps that is what we ladies, Faigie, Wanda, Rosa and I have in common and it goes beyond our age, our place of birth and our cultures. It is a connection with the Almighty in the depth of our being.  My life is richer for knowing these women and the exciting thing is that I will know them for all eternity.

I was honored to sing at Faigie Rubin’s 90th birthday party this past summer.

Here is a song I wrote for Faigele using the information her family gave me about her life.


Yom Atzmaut Sameach 5775
Listen to Peggy
Tikvah Peggy's first CD, Tikvah, is now available.

Songs to Soothe the Soul