Every day I witness people who work with the elderly to whom very few pay attention.  Some are private caregivers; some are family members; some are staff nursing or even cleaning staff.   They go out of their way to make others feel special.  They don’t only look at the ones who they are “paid” to take care of; they go beyond the call of duty.  One young lady busies herself making sure that everyone who is ready, gets to my music programs.  She doesn’t think of herself, only of others.   As I sing I watch how a son of one of the residents looks around to see who needs help.  He honestly cares about people.  There is one very special young lady at Hope whose sense of humor lights up the place and she has a heart for making sure that her people are cared for. Instead of complaining about the lack of staff or the lack of money, these people and others like them seek every opportunity to give of themselves.   They are my heroes!  They are living the Golden Rule…love your neighbor as you love yourself.  May their tribe increase!



Yom Atzmaut Sameach 5775
Listen to Peggy
Tikvah Peggy's first CD, Tikvah, is now available.

Songs to Soothe the Soul